Chad doesn't have a blog, but I saw this and had to add him. I just got a phone call from him. That was the second one since he's been in Afghanistan. I miss my boy so much and my heart aches everyday. I'm just going to say it....I HATE having him there and I don't care if that makes me look bad, but I'm his mother and in my mind KIDS should not be recruited in their high schools. They are too young to make those kind of life altering decisions. They clearly don't have all their brains yet. Yes, I am proud of him and fully support what he and the troops are doing, but he has committed 8 years to the military and that is something they shouldn't be able to hold over an 18 year olds decision that was pressures into by a recruiter...sigh. Done venting. He says he's doing good and getting ready for guard tower duty. He has received 10-12 rubber duckies and he loves them and proudly displays them in his room. He's going to take pictures for me. Thank you ladies for those of you who sent him ducks. :o)
STILL NO BABY! Brittany is frustrated...I'm frustrated! Okay clearly she is more than me since the baby is in her tummy, but I'm having sympathy pains for her. Brek works nights and has Wednesday and Thursday nights off so what we are hoping for is a Wednesday delivery. Keep your fingers crossed!
Hi, Jolene, thanks for stopping by again! I appreciate your nice comments.
Oh Jolene, I'm thrilled with my name tag! Yours are so cute and mostly ones I haven't seen before. I adore the one for Chad!!! Believe me...if we lived closer...I'd love to take you shopping and then we could scrapbook when we got done buying new shoes!!!
I stopped by you blog for new baby news. Sometimes those little boys just aren't quite ready to make their entrance into this world. I'm sure he'll be here soon.
even though i don't have any kids, i so feel your hurt with Chad and i TOTALLY agree with you! the military should NOT be recruiting while they're still in high school and are still thinking about kid stuff!
poor Miss Brittany...i hope baby day is tomorrow, it's a good friend of mine's bday and she is such a wonderful person, the baby would HAVE to be beyond wonderful!
How cool! My name is in the sand!
I really hope Chad comes home soon. Poor guy.
Oh my gosh, Jolene! I fired up the computer after whipping around my room getting it all set for the BIG DAY tomorrow and here's my name on a school bus!! I think I literally gasped!!! : ) You are just too kind - I would LOVE to have Cole in my classroom with me...would we not have a blast at Parent/Teacher conferences?? Talking about scrapping and goodies and cool shopping niches??? Poor Cole...we might have to squeeze talking about him in at the last minute!! : ) Thank you for the bottom of my heart for the 'shout out'! I am keeping the fingers crossed for the new grandbaby!! Soon...SOON!!
Peace, love and prayers to you and your beatiful family. Love you, Jolene! : )
P.S. - It's Carol! : )
Oh, love all the names...I'll have to see if I can wrangle something up. I think you have every right to vent about the boy going into the military...vent away! Where oh where is that new baby!!!
How fun! I needed something to blog about today, now I have something! Off to post some names!
That is so neat how you did the names differently. I'm too techo-challenged to do that i'm afraid.
Poor Brittany, i'm sending good thoughts to all of you. I know it's tough waiting on a baby to make an appearance.
I also agree with what you said about recruiting in highschools. I was in ROTC in h/s and scored very highly on the testing and recruiters nagged me forever. Thankfully I was smart enough to know the military was NOT for me.
Godspeed to Chad.
Oh you are just way too sweet! Thank you for making me a tag!
I hope Brittany goes soon! Keeping her in my thoughts and thinking short labor thoughts! ;)
That is so cool! Thanks for including me!!! I look forward to a long friendship together too! I am finally back from blogger vacation and ready to dive back into the work on the book and of course, working on my name plate tag!
I have one teeny, tiny favor to ask though...can you make me a new name plate with two n's in the name so I can copy it and add it to my scrapbook?! Don't fret, everybody spells it differently and I answer to anything, well, almost anything!!!! ;)
This was such a cool thing, I immediately joined in the fun.
It's strange how you well we know each other.
Thanks I needed something interesting to blog about.
I'm hoping your lack of post means that baby George is here! Keeping you all in my prayers!
Thanks for the tag - it was fun. It made me really think about how many great people touch my life daily. I am truly blessed.
So....right back at ya! Check out your name tag on my blog! ;)
Good Job Jolene~ isn't that the coolest site?
Ducks.... I knew there was something rattling around in the back of my car!
Oh I just LOVE Cinnabon! My favorite guilty pleasure is the caramel pecan-bon. YUM YUM. My thoughts are with you and Brittany - hoping all is going well!
Hey Jolene!
I am honored you tagged me and I did my tag so you'll have to check it out!
This is so cute! I'll participate once I'm home.... oR maybe I'll do something here, we'll see. :)
September (who doesn't like Cinnabon, believe it or not!)
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