My blogging buddy Teresa sent me these cute little frog salt and pepper shakers for a valentines sweet is that?! It's just so nice that she remembered that I collect them. She says they are not very cute, but I think they fit nicely into my collection. Thank you so much Teresa! I love them!
My friend Paula gave me these milk can ones for Christmas. Cute, huh?! Ignore the dust. I don't know how it gets so dusty inside a cupboard that has glass doors anyways. Apparently I have lots of cleaning to do today. Heck, I still haven't finished cleaning up from the party here Sunday. I'm going to the chiropractor tomorrow, so she can fix this thing in my back that's making it hard to move and breathe deep.
Aarrrggg! These pirates are my boys favorite set of salt and pepper shakers. They were my grandma's. I did end up with a few out of her collection. In totally I only have around 30 sets so far. They really are fun and cheap to collect, so I always have my eyes open.
I have guilt...yes...buyers guilt, because I'm on a shopping diet. Last week I bought photoshop elements 5.0. While I was at Sam's Club grocery shopping it sat there on the shelf, so lonely because it was the last one. I swear it was talking to me. "Jolene...get me out of here...take me home. I can teach you so many new things. We'll be fast friends." Then it leaped into my cart and hid under the croissants so I wouldn't be tempted to stash it on some random shelf while finishing my list. It then hurried itself into the cashiers hands and over the bar code beeper and leaped back ito the cart. It felt kind of like saving a poor little puppy from the pound. It took several days to get the courage up to actually open the box. Yesterday I installed it and that's as far as I've gone. I'm too scared to try it. I need help! I wish someone would come over here and help me. If I play with a picture and I totally make a mess of it does that take the place of the original or is it a copy? Same question if I turn a picture to black and white...I'd still want a color version. I know NOTHING about this program and I hate not knowing....makes me feel less than smart.I talked to Chad last night. He was in the hospital again. His squad leader is a HUGE jerk and for some reason doesn't like him and one other guy. (both E-1's) He's always being mean to him and smoking him everytime he sees him (smoking is a term they use when they make them do push up and stuff...boot camp stuff) All the other squad leaders and platoon leaders really like Chad and can't figure out why this guy treats him like crap. Everyone sees how awful he is to him. The reason Chad ended up in the hospital is because this leader told Chad to do his laundry for him and Chad refused. He told him that he has to obey his orders when it comes to training, but in no way is he his servant. So this guy made him stand for a really long time until Chad finally blacked out and fell over and hit his head. He was out for 10-15 minutes. Chad also told me that 2 weeks ago he pinned him up against a wall and CHOKED him. That makes me SO MAD! They are working on getting him moved to a different squad because Chad doesn't trust him....and neither do I. These soldiers are here voluntarily and shouldn't be treated this way. Boot camp is over as well as all the mind games that came with that. The other guy gives into the idiot and makes his coffee every morning, but neither one of them could watch the superbowl. EVERYONE else did. The other sergeants couldn't believe it and they don't like this sergeant either. He had better get moved today or heads are going to roll. These boys are there to train for a pretty scary job ahead of them and shouldn't be messed with by their own people. If I meet this guy when I go to NC next month, we WILL be having words. Can you tell I'm upset about this?!
By the way Andi...He got your package yesterday. He said thank you very much...he really loves everything! All the guys thought the M&M's were so cool!
Oh, I hope Chad gets moved to a better place! As a mom, it's just awful when someone is mean to your child. And you're right - these guys are risking their lives, they shouldn't have to put up with this stuff from people who are supposed to be looking out for them.
I have some adorable salt and pepper shakers I would love to send to you. How do I do that?
How many more weeks? Which is worse being picked on there or in Afganistan? He sure has a rough road ahead of him, I hope he can keep his head on straight and remember who he is and how many people love him. That will get him thru.
that makes me furious. that guy better be careful, he doesn`t want to mess with blogger budies. don`t make us plan a road trip.
Excuse the deleted comments lately. I've been getting alot of spam. Makes me crazy!
i'm so sorry about chad's sergeant. i am mad too. i say chad should go ahead and do his laundry next time and make everything turn pink. i am really good at that, should i go help?
OMG - you are so right Chad is doing his country a favor and he should not have to put up with crap like that!! I hope he gets moved quicksmart.
I really want photoshop I think it is about $200 here in australia.
I hope you back feels better after today.
Okay that guy deserves and owns the word ASSHOLE! Excuse my language but WTF!
Okay, PSE is really cool Jolene. I never had any other version of it so I don't know any better! It automatically corrects red eye when you download photos, how cool is that?? I just got the program myself, few weeks now. I'm pulling in lots of tutorials so if you want me to share, just give me a holler.
Your s&p shakers are really cute! I like the ones that were your grandmothers as well!
I don't know that much about the military but I would think there would be someone you could file a grievance with over that type of treatment. Write the President...that will get their attention. I understand wanting to make the men in your unit "tough' but not to single out someone and pick on them exclusively.
I'm glad he received his package. Hope the cookies weren't in too many pieces.
That sounds awful about Chad. I hope he gets moved soon. Good for him for standing up to the guy, but yuck about the consequences of that.
Oh, did your PSE come with the $20 mail in rebate too? Send away for it if it did!!
what a creep!!! you can let Chad know that not only will this SGT. have the Momma Bear on his bum, but several blogging Aunties as well!
Wow-what a way to treat someone who is serving our country. Makes me mad. He needs a personal kick in the rear.
Love your collection of salt and pepper shakers!
Take care,
Ohhhhh...have fun with photoshop! The best advice I can give you is to just play around with it and have fun for a little while. I'd save two copies of your picture before you do anything to it. That way, you can have a backup incase you mess up! Good luck!
Sometimes don't you just want to shake the heck out of people? Poor guy, I can't believe he passed out. I didn't know you collected S&P' fun!
I think when you collect something...anything goes....those frogs are adorable! Glad that you received that nice surprise in the mail. Photoshop rocks in my opinion! I think you will be glad that you got it....after you play with it a little. Don't feel deserve it! :)
And I am sooo sorry that Chad is dealing with this stuff right now and that you are having to go through it too! I would be furious and I think you are right on the mark for feeling like you do! Shout out and way to go to Chad! He deserves all the respect from everyone for volunteering to do the brave things that he is doing to keep us all safe!
Hugs to you and praying for you all and Chad! Take care!
The frog s & p shakers are adorable! As are the milk jugs and pirates.
B, B & M are so cute in the picture ... what a special day for your family.
The situation you described about Chad just makes me mad. I hope it gets resolved very quickly. Why do people have to be so mean?
Good luck with the Photoshop ... I wouldn't even know where to begin either.
What a story about Chad! It makes me mad but at the same time, proud that Chad is taking a stand for what is right! So many people today don't in fear of what will happen to them. I hope it all works out for him.
Hey and just jump in there with Photoshop...I'm sure you can figure it out! You are a smart lady!
Jolene... as hard as it is to hear about Chad, he is doing his family proud. Standing up for what is right and keeping his pride even if his body is waring. You brought up a brave young man and you should be a proud momma knowing that you tought him well. It's hard and justification comes back to kick you in the butt. So that Sargent will get his. Maybe not today but he will. Have the faith.
Your so lucky. I would love the adobe but as you said shopping diet. Winter and kids come first. We are planning on building a house maybe in the spring so we are saving...saving ...saving and boy is it hard!
Have fun with it!
OMGosh! If that were my son I'd be hunting the guy down when I got to NC! LOL! How awful! Heck, I'll go with you and give him a few kicks where it counts!
Love the cow s&p shakers! too cute and what dust?
As for PSE, just do what you want and do a "save as" that way your original will be untouched! :)
I cannot believe that guy is treating Chad that's so unfair and wrong! I don't blame you for feeling so angry towards him. I'll be praying for him :)
Hope you and Sandy have tons of fun seeing him soon! They are the cutest couple! And baby Mark is so darn adorable!!!
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