Days 15, 16, and 17
I'm so grateful that Rhonna has come back to finish the 21 day challenge. It seems like all I do lately is cry, so it will be nice to get re-focused with my goals. There's so much to do around here. I appreciate everyone support. I did find out that the nodule is 7mm and in the upper outer quadrant. They also found a 5mm one, but that turned out to be a limp node. I'm trying to do some research since this is all new to me. Heck! I'm only 38! This is not exactly what I thought I'd be doing at this age. It's important to me that I still be here to support Brittany with the baby and his problems. That's a lot for an 18 year old girl to handle. Hopefully I will be able to have the biopsy before the baby comes. I have a good friend making calls for me to find out more about the cost of the procedure. In my prayers I ask to have strength and that it not be cancer and that we will have enough work to be able to afford this whole thing. I know Heavenly Father will look after me and I will find the blessing in the battle.
Did you get the appointment with the surgeon?? There is so much to research so don't let it stress you out. Your challenge is a good focal point to keep you busy till you know for sure. Hang in there :)
I happened upon your blog from another blog I was reading. It became one that I checked everyday. You seem so strong and positive. I just know you will come through this with an even stronger perspective on life. I know that God only gives us what he knows we can handle but you have to be thinking isn`t this a good stopping point??? I will be praying for you and your family tonight.
Still praying. Know that you're loved and cared about, Jolene. You're constantly in my thoughts and prayers. You will get through this. You will! Love you.
You are so strong, even if you cry every day! Don't let it get you down. You've got a beautiful grandbaby coming, 5 beautiful boys a wonderful husband and a gorgeous DIL! Lots of people who love and cherish you and you will get thru it with all of them around to help. All things happen for a reason and this could be just to show you how strong you really are! KICK this thing in the ASS! :)
I'm so sorry to read about your news.
My thoughts and prayers are with you!
I know we've never met, but I think we share a connection by doing Rhonna's challenges together. Please keep us updated and I will look forward to seeing your journal entries :) Take care!!!!
Jolene, I'm so sorry to hear about all this! I can only imagine how unnerving it must be. I am adding you to my prayer list and will be praying for you that all will turn out well. Also for peace and freedom from being anxious about it. By the your recent pages from the challenge. They're so simple and clean and pretty!! :)
My heart is SO going out to you and I don't even know you! But, as a fibrocystic woman, each and every time I get a Mamo (I'm 40 now, and have had 5 mamos) I have the same fears: that it will be ME next.
I will send you prayers and positive energy. I am a Usui Reiki Master Teacher and will send you Reiki healing...just hold your expectations high and keep positive! Your faith and prayers and the positive expectancies (and those of the people around you) WILL work and will be transofrmational! I see you (and your family and caregivers/medical team) surrounded by a pure and perfect white light...hang in there!
If you need anything, let me know. I don't know exactly what you're going through, but I'd been through some rough times related to that recently, myself.
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