Never a dull moment...
So yesterday we had a bit of excitement....not good fun excitement. First let me set up the story. We rent the house we live in from a guy named Tony. His sister in law owns the house next door. Her house has been vacant for a year and she's been paying the mortgage all this time. She has decided that she can longer afford to pay it so she plans to let the bank take it, but for now she is still in possession. Tony made arrangements for us to trade the window blinds from house to house because ours has icky 1 inch aluminum and hers is 2 inch faux wood and it's the exact same house so it's an easy switch. He brings us a key and we send Chad and his friend Will next door to start removing the blinds. They had run an extension cord from our house over there to listen to music while they work. I get ready to jump in the shower , but before I do Cody calls and needs his homework, so I ask Chad to take it to the school. During the time that I'm in the shower and he's driving to school, Will continues to work next door. Apparently someone calls the police saying that there is a burglary going on. Will hears the music stop playing so he comes out of the room he's in to find 3 guns pointed at him and they put him on the ground and tried to cuff him, but he has a cast on from a broken wrist. Needless to say, he is scared to death never having guns pointed at him before. Chad gets back and runs over there to see whats going on. Cole bangs on my door to tell me there are tons of cops outside and I better get out here quick, so I hurry up and get dressed and go next door. There are 7 cop cars out front and police everywhere. I try to explain the situation that we are not stealing and it's a prior arrangement between the owners of the homes. I get my landlord on the phone and have him talk to the officer in charge and he explains that we are not stealing. How could it be stealing with permission and a house key? The problem is that we couldn't reach his sister in law to verify that she did give permission and she did still own the house and it wasn't bank owned yet. They were totally going to arrest Chad and Will for theft and Mark and I for accessory to theft!!! ME the girl who has spent her whole life avoiding trouble at all costs. I never even liked to be in trouble with my parents when I was a little girl. Total rule rollower. Heck, I've gone back to the store to pay for a bag of ice that they forgot to put on my receipt. I am not a thief! Police don't tend to believe the "we're a nice honest family..really". They are more about the proof. Needless to say, my heart is racing. The shallow side of me is thinking, I've never had a mug shot and now I'll have one with no make up and wet curly hair straight from out of the shower. NICE! Not exactly a shining moment. I call Tony back and tell him try harder to contact her or we are all going to jail. Finally after a while she calls my phone and talks to the officer in charge verifying our story. Thank heavens! They let us continue and mark their records just in case other neighbors call the police on us. Talk about scary! My heart raced most of the rest of the day. Now we can laugh about it, but it wasn't much fun while it was happening. Good impression for the neighbors. What must they think of us now because they have no idea what was going on? CRAZY!
Oh Jolene, my heart was racing as I was reading about the ordeal!!
My husband's greatest fear is that he will be accused of something he did not do and go to jail! And he's a Pastor, but that doesn't always help much now-a-days.
So, I feel for you and your family. Thankful you can look back and laugh a little about it. But scary at the time...
You have had quite the past few days!! You need a rest girl!
LOL, that is sooo dang funny! I wish I was there for that 1... The George family taken away in cop cars. I would have had to take pics and blog that 1 myself. Call me
That comment from Kayce was actually from Julie. Don't know why it did that. Well you made some excitement for the neighborhood. I wouldn't say you are completely innocent - remember tee peeing my neighbor Michele's house and Eric's car when we all spent the night at my house not too long ago. That's good times - adult women teepeeing houses. Well, this should give you and your neighbors something to talk about. Now you can make friends. Fun
Omgosh! What a story! I'm so glad you weren't arrested!
Well, the way I see it, there is some good in that story. Now you know that your neighbors will call the police if there is every anything suspicious going on at your house. Sometimes I wonder if my neighbors saw some one breaking into my house, would they care enough to call?
LOL about worring about getting your mug shot taken with out make up and with wet hair. Perhaps that's why all mug shots look so bad.
I'm glad everything turned out okay. Poor Will! That would truly freak me out.
Oh Jolene!! You criminal you! Don't end up on an episode of "Cops" now!
Poor guys and poor YOU. I know you were all scared to death.
I am glad it all ended well and no mug shots taken!
You had an exciting day for sure!
Bad Girl, Bad Girl, What you gonna do when they come for you?!? I guess do your hair & makeup next time!! Okay, couldn't resist! Loved the story, it had me laughing so hard! So happy that it turned out so well! But I always think jail might be a nice change of pace for awhile... someone else cooking for us, someone else opening doors... Okay, maybe not so much!! But thanks for the laugh, it was just what I needed!! Amy =)
BTW, I keep meaning to ask you, how do you scan your scrapbook projects? Do you actually take pictures of them, or do you have a scanner that fits the 12x12 layouts? They look great on your slide show and I was wondering if you could let us know how you do it or what machine you use? Thanks!
So sorry that happen to ya'll but it was sure funny! Had me a crack'n up! Hope you have a better Friday!
I don't believe that mug shots are suppose to reflect your most shinning moments anyway Jo! LOL
What a hilarious story, although I'm sure no one was laughing at the time. I'm glad it all got straightened out and no one got hauled off to jail.
My, oh My, Jolene. And I thought that I got into some strange situations. I think this one beats all. Glad it all worked out.
Oh my goodness Jolene! How scary! I mean 3 guns! Sheesh, it was an empty house and they were only window blinds, that hardly warrants THREE guns!
So glad it's all over with.
Wow those cops sure take their jobs seriously. I think they need a class in useful judgement is what I think.
How funny! Can I come down and go to Young Women's class with you cause I really think you will all be the talk of the Ward Sunday. Glad it finished okay. Mug shots suck! About like driver's Licence photos.
Oh J! That would be the dumbest reason to go to jail ever...How did the officers even know it was the homeowner for real? Good grief...
LOLOLOL I guess Bryan should have been cuffing YOU not Brek!
now wouldn't you just love to know which one of your nosy neighbors called that in? I sure would!
Oh Jolene... LOL Only you, sweetie... I'm laughing now, but wow, that must have been seriously scary....
Fortunately, no excitement here, just us, cleaning house feverishly (and not enough) for the inlaws visit next weekend...
Good Grief! That is some experience! Glad it all worked ok in the end.
Becky K.
Wow, what a day you all had! I'm glad everything worked out at the end!
Holy cow!! Scary!!! I'm so glad that the police finally believed you! And, sadly, I'm with you about the mug shot. I'd have been thinking the same thing! LOL
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