Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Yup! it's real!

As soon as Chad turned 18 he snuck off and got himself a tattoo. He hid it for as long as he could, but eventually mom's find these things out. In case you are wondering what exactly it is...apparently is it the "famous" logo. I see this thing on all of his art work. I tried to explain to him that in a few years he is not going to think this is cool and yet he has PERMANENTLY tattooed this to his chest. HUGE MISTAKE BOY! and there's not one darn thing I can do about it. Why oh why do teenagers think they know everything??? :o/


Chris G said...

Ouch.......That is too painful to think about. At least its not a girls name!!!

Anonymous said...

I know where you're coming from. I have a 17 year old son who now has 8mm holes in his ears and a ring through his lip!!! Why??? As you say, in another few years will they still think it's so cool?

Pam said...

Not sure what "Famous" is but yep, when I was 18 I made that same mistake and now at 40 I kinda forget I have one. It's just a small rose on my shoulder but when I have a strapless shirt on people are all like "YOU have a tattoo?" and then there's that reminder. It really doesn't look bad and since he's a good kid and not getting into trouble I would be glad that's the worst he could do! :)

Grandma September said...

Oh man. I'd kill him. I don't know how you do it, Jolene.... you amaze me.

Anonymous said...

He looks right proud of that PERMANENT marring. He couldn't just Sharpie that on there for a trial run??? :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah - and I love your porch redecoration project! :)

Anonymous said...

nice...My daughter did the same thing! like you said...can't do a thing but love them anyway!
loved seeing you today!
kiss kiss

Anonymous said...

I KNEW my son was going to do it, so I took the initiative and took him down to the tattoo parlor and "gave" him his for his 18th b-day. At least I had some control over the sanitary and artistic qualities of the shop! ;-)

Laurie said...

Ummm, what is it? Looks like South Carolina to me! :o)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jolene...At least it is somewhere that he can cover up if he wants to. And it doesn't look that big either. Besides tattoos are cool!!