Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Bye-Bye sweet trees

I woke up yesterday morning to the sound of chain saws and tree munching trucks. My neighbors directly across the street were tearing down both of their trees! I was looking through some pictures so you could see what they looked like before. This was all I could find. The big pine tree on the right side of the picture of the boys riding bikes and the one straight on. I snuck a couple pictures of them grinding out the huge stump and the now naked front yard. I'm so sad. I love trees! They already had one of the least attractive houses on the street and now that's all you see...ugly house! Plus it actually seems hotter outside with them gone. They better have a spectacular landscape plan in mind. Updates will follow.


Grandma September said...

We had a neighbor who was really weird and eliminated every tree on his property. They also didn't like roses. Go figure. If you were here, and the trees were super big, I'd think that maybe they got rid of them from storm damage, or because the trees were a potential danger, but nothing in any of the photos you shared looks that big. Go figure. Very sad to see someone rip out trees...

Pam said...

Oh that stinks! I would hate to see them go too! I hope they do something very cool!

Anonymous said...

Why did they remove them? You would think they would want them for the shade?


Jolene George said...

Hello! We live in Arizona where shade plays a very important factor. I think they lost their brains, but I plan to talk to them about it. I so miss their trees...especially the big pine tree. I've taken several pictures of my boys under that tree. :o(