I still need to take individual pictures to put in the old window frame. It got too dark on the evening we we're taking family photos. Couldn't possibly be because my family was screwing around too much...nah! I'll be sure to share when I get that one done.
Give a family tree a shake and a few nuts fall out
Jolene's family life journal of living in her very own nut house. The good...the bad...and the ugly!
Saturday, January 08, 2011
crafty make-over...
Friday, December 31, 2010
under construction...
Okay...so YES I am going to start blogging again, but in the process of trying to make my blog look cuter, I had to change templates because my dashboard is from the dark ages and had no "design" tab, so I had no choice. Now I have a background that is cute{ish}, but a template that I hate. Plusalso it deleted my banner, my slide shows, my site meter, and my huge list of blogging buddies. So sad about all of that. SOOO I will continue to work on the appearance and functionality of my blog while getting back into the swing of things again. Lots going on in my life, as always! Fun stuff!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
test blog post...Cody's gets his braces off
Cody just got his braces off after 30 long months. His orthodontist is simply amazing! He said he was one of his toughest cases. Cody said it was the best Christmas present ever. It made such a difference. His self esteem is now soaring. Him being this happy...not to mention, so handsome makes every single payment worth it!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
blog alert
I have tried and tried and TRIED to update my blog. Every. single. time. I upload a picture it shuts down the whole blog dashboard window. Frustrating! I need to have my computer dude friend come fix what's wrong. Surely these sweet angel teenage boys couldn't have given me a virus, right?! As soon as it's working, I will write my 19 and growing blog post topics to catch me up and have a regularly updated blog again. For now, the girl is willing...the computer is not!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
family night AKA-family home evening...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
grand-kids...a whole new life...

Monday, August 17, 2009
what NOT to do...
On Saturday, July 11th, Kyle was swimming with friends at one of the neighborhood community pools here in Maricopa. We were at a birthday party in Mesa when we got the call that he smacked his head on the bottom of a pool. As you know, heads bleed A LOT! He got out of the pool on his own and his friends and a lady that was a nurse tried to stop the bleeding as it was pouring down his face. They took him to urgent care. They called an ambulance and took him to Chandler regional hospital. We met him there. Mark asked him how deep the water was. He said 5 feet. And how tall are you Kyle? ummm...5'9". Do you see the problem? :o) After spending several hours there, the CAT scan showed that he broke is neck in 2 places. #1 was a clean break and #7 was crushed. Kyle was devastated!
Poor boy was crying because he was on the back board so long. His head felt like mush! Kyle nver takes pain pills for even a headache so when he begged for medication I knew he was hurting bad.

He's left with a scar that looks like an X or a wiggly K on top of his head. The hair still isn't growing back there.
After they saw how serious it was, they transferred us in an ambulance to Scottsdale Osborn hospital. Before we left, Mark and my dad gave him a priesthood blessing.

Kyle's new room at Scottsdale Osborn. We had to wait a few hours before they let us up in his room in the ICU. The first thing he said when we saw him, was "This place is messed up! They put something in my tool and it's still there!" LOL! It was funny the way he said it. Apparently they put in a catheter, because he obviously couldn't go to the restroom on his own.
On Monday afternoon his neurosurgeon scheduled his surgery. Our best friend, Hal came down to the hospital and him and Mark gave him another prieshood blessing before they took him in. I do believe in the power of the priesthood.

The surgery went perfectly. They did nothing for the number 1, but the crushed number 7, they pulled out all the broken bits and fused them together in a thingy then put it back in and put a metal plate over it to hold it in place. We were in the hospital for a total of 5 days. He has to wear his collar for 3 months-24 hours a day. We were grateful that he didn't have to wear a halo brace that screws into your skull. My sister, Coleen had to years ago and it was horrible! My normally happy, joking boy didn't smile the whole time he was there. It's a hard thing to face that a stupid mistake can cause such huge damage.
He finally smiled when we got home.
Here is the scar from surgery. We took the front part of his collar off so Brek could shave his face. I have to log roll him over to change him in and out of his shower collar then back into his everyday collar. It's kind of scary.
A few weeks later Kyle's girlfriend discovered a bald spot on the back of his head. It wasn't there the day before. He was mad...I was mad! We couldn't figure out how it happened. So he asked Brek to shave his head bald...to the skin.
This picture is after it was shaved and his hair started growing back....everywhere but in the spot. So weird! We discovered it was from being on the backboard for all those hours. It damaged his hair follicles and they just fell out. He's finally starting to get a teeny bit hair growth in there, but not nearly as much as the rest.

Kyle was Mark's employee and he obviously can't work so Mark's been putting in crazy long hours to keep up with the business. So, my house is very full. Kyle is with me everyday, so is Cole because he's still doing online school. I have Brek, Brittany and the boys. Plus Kyle's girlfriend is here everyday as well as his other friends that stop by to visit all the time. Mark goes to work and Cody goes to school. I've forgotten what a quiet house is like.
We went to have a one month check up with the neurosurgeon. They went on and on about how lucky he was and were shocked that he wasn't paralysed. They showed his X-rays to all the other doctors and nurses in the office. These people deal with this kind of serious injury all the time and really couldn't believe it. I told them it has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with God. My boy obviously has important work still to do. We count our blessings everyday.
4th of July...
We went to Pacana Park for our 3rd annual 4th of July celebration here in Maricopa. We LOVE it!! It was really HOT! We were all sweating buckets just walking from our cars to out perfectly picked out spot on the grass. We were there with the Koozer's, Neals, Williams, Eagan's, and us, of course PLUS Brittany and the boys. {Brek had to work}They just moved back in with us, so our house grew from 5 to 9 people. The only one NOT living here is Chad. He does still live in Maricopa and we probably see him the same amount as before. Mark calls the grandsons the twin tornadoes because their path of destruction is swift. :o) I do love having those boys here. They are very sweet.
Little John
Tony and Jenny
Brittany, Mark and John

Mariela and Angel

Chad and John Ray
Brittany and the boys
Mariah and Silvia-Michelle
Cody and Mark

Angel begged Chad to keep tossing him
woah! {note the huge smile}
Nice catch, Chad
Cole handing out cookies

Mariela and Angel

Chad and John Ray

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